Its a bird, its a plane, its...

an ipod silhouette dancer??...
...and Tony Stark!

So funny story, in order to be Iron Man, Jeremy had to stick a plastic wall light to his chest and, obviously, had to dye his hair black and draw on a goatee. When he came over I was pretty impressed at how well he pulled off the look. I still wasn't ready so he sat and played guitar for a few minutes. Well, our dorms are kind of weird in the way that we have no control over the temperature. So sometimes it gets kind of hot. Needless to say, Jeremy started to sweat and his light started to come off of his chest. This resulted in him having to go to different apartments looking for tape to tape his light back on. It was great. Okay so really, that wasn't really a really funny story. But its alright. It was entertaining at the time.
Anyway, Halloween was fun. Very different from being at home. Jeremy and I went to Bethany's play. (Bethany my roommate. Not to be confused with Bethany my sister.) She was fabulous! Its true, I have talented friends. Afterwards we went to Jeremy's apartment with every intention of watching a scary movie, but some of our friends from Vocal Union showed up and we ended up hanging out with them and missing most of the movie. But it was a good time. I loved it. So that is my Halloween story. The End.