Alright. Here is my big college post for the day. So the day started off horribly! For whatever reason (lack of sleep most likely), I did not wake up to my alarm or I turned it off or something. Anyway, I slept right through my 7:45 Tonal Harmony class. So I flipped out, Bethany can verify that, and got ready as quickly as possible in order to make it to my 9AM class on-time. Afterward I found my professor and he told me to go to the same level class that was being offered at 10:15. Brilliant! SO...long story short, it ended up being a blessing in disguise that I missed my first class because I just dropped my 7:45 class and joined the class at 10:15! Hurray! I know you are all thinking that I now don't have to get up early anymore on M W and F...but I still do. In order to not be stuck in a lame piano class all semester, my piano teacher is letting a select few take a 7AM class on M W and F for a half hour. But once we pass off the proficiency requirements (which can happen at any point in time) we don't have to come anymore! So needless to say...I will be getting those passed off really soon.
Alright. Moving on. So the rest of the day went as planned. My classes went well. The next big part of my day was my call back for Vocal Union. The amateur, but only jazz group on campus. It was fun! And, good news! - I just got the email telling me that I made it! So I will be in A group this semester! I am excited. It should be a good experience. Well, that about does it for today! Now my roommates and I are going to make mexican hot chocolate.
Oh! PS: for those of you who are interested, I have a date coming up....sometime soon! One of the boys in my ward asked me to go country/swing dancing with him here on campus. It should be pretty fun! And!--there is a boy that sings and plays guitar really well who just gave me his CD and found out I sing so....he wants me to sing with him in concerts and things of that nature! I am so excited! And both of them are super cute! If you wanna check him out (his music, not him) he has a music myspace and his name is Grant Brock. He's uh-mazing.
: ]
for some odd reason i did not feel it would take you too long to have dates planned. but i didn't think it would be on your second day of school....
Congratulations on making Vocal Union! Hopefully you can show those hicks a thing or two about jazz. And enjoy the dates. Just make sure you double or group date as much as possible, sorry, worry wart older sister kicked in there for a sec. Anyway, yippee about your tonal harmony class switch. Aren't you glad you slept in? :)
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