Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Good news! - I quit my job at the recycling plant today, unknown to my supervisor! Rude, right? I know. But wait. Don't judge yet. Let me explain-

So for anyone who talks to me on a regular basis, you know I was not too fond of this job in the first place. It's early in the morning, the other workers freak me out, I think my supervisor secretly hates me, it smells, it's tedious, boring. Okay, you get the point. Now for the punchline: I, along with all the other employees, have not been paid for about a month now! Awesome. Love it. 

...No. Not so much.

Well on top of that, I got up yesterday morning, dragged myself out of my warm and comfortable bed and started to prepare myself mentally for the day ahead of me: four and a half hours at recycling, four at the after school club. I can do this. 
So I get in the truck and start the oh-so-wonderful drive to the oh-so-beautiful San Fernando Valley. Now for those of you who don't know how traffic is here, it should only take me about ten minutes to get to where I need to go in The Valley. Here is the harsh reality: it takes me about 2o-25 minutes to get to New Earth recycling plant; about five to seven minutes on the freeway, and anywhere from 10 - 20 minutes weaving my way down Topanga Canyon until I get to my lovely job. Okay so continuing my story, I finally do reach my destination about fifteen minutes late (hey, they're not paying me on time, I don't get there on time) only to find out that I'm not needed.
"Oh, you didn't get a phone call?"
"Oh, all the other employees did."
Awesome. And still no paycheck.
Needless to say, this was kind of the last straw for me. To make an already long story longer, I resolved to quit yesterday. I don't need this! : )
Even though I haven't been treated in the most respectable manner, I thought I would be courteous and at least come in to work today and let everyone know,"hey, I don't need this. This is my last day." On my drive over I'm kind of nervous; I've never quit a job before, I mean I've only ever had one other job to begin with. But I'm determined so I suck it up and brace myself. 
"One more turn," I think to myself. I grab the steering wheel and pull it to the left. I grab it again just about to turn into the parking lot when - What the...?! 
You have got to be kidding me. The gate is locked. Empty lot. No phone call. And no paycheck. And you guessed it-no more recycling job for me! 


Rachel said...

for real? you know they still owe you money right? you should fight for that money. its a good idea.

Genni said...

Good job being brave...like you would have been tough if you had the chance to quit..haha. :) I'm with Rachel...try to get the $$$.

Becca said...

Yes get the money!!!!

Bethany said...

Sick and wrong. Blast that recycling company.

Fantabulous Lil P said...

haha. Oh yes, for sure! I love you all.