Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve was the special guest speaker at their ceremony, which was fantastic. He talked about a great many things. You know, the usual graduation topics - success, confidence, perserverance, etc. Then he got to the topic of decision-making. This was most interesting me. Why? - hmm...could it be because I'm the world's worst decision maker?
Anywho, there was one thing he said that caught my (and my mom's) interest. He talked about those who make decisions despite their circumstances, and then those who make decisions based on their circumstances. Today, many of us make decisions based on what is going on in our life. When we make a plan, or set a goal, and it doesn't happen we often dismiss it, thinking, "Well, this was going on at that time, I just couldn't get to it. I'll wait for things to settle down." The reality of life is that it really doesn't settle down. Things don't just "calm down". Life doesn't get quieter, but our ability to function and excel in the midst of chaos increases if we choose to live life to our full potential and let our choices dictate our life, and not our life dictate our choices.
I've decided that I'm a chronic circumstantial decision maker. As far as long term goals? - not too many. Seriously. I don't think it's because I don't have anything that I want to achieve or do. I just expect life to come to me. I want to be catered to. A trip to Europe? Someone will ask me. Performing on Broadway? The opportunity will present itself at some point in time. FALSE! It won't! I have to make it happen! Instead of expecting things to happen, I need to expect, plan, that they won't happen. Unless I make them happen. the trick is applying. Some things are so much easier said than done. : )
Sara you are so good! I love this post. That must have been an awesome talk, I've never thought about goals and life in that way. Thanks so much for sharing :) Love you
Sara what great insight!! thanks for sharing :) luh jew
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