Friday, May 27, 2011

50/40 days of summer

50 days of swim lessons, to be exact. Now only 40. (I just finished up my first session.

For those of you who don't know, I teach swim lessons during my summers off. & let me just tell you, Bill Cosby knows what's up - kids do say the darndest things!

Friday May 27

     Me: Ava, let's swim across the to the other side!
     Ava: (She's currently sitting right in front of the heater) Hold on! My butt is sweating.

     Lauren: (after swimming across the pool on the kick board) What are we going to do now?
     Me: Well, I think we'll sit here for a few seconds and then swim back.
     Lauren: While you decide what to do next?
     Me: Yes. Because I never plan ahead for swim lessons.
     Lauren: I know that.

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