Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So they tell me...

SO my dad informed me a few nights ago that one of the biggest problems new missionaries face is social distress. WHAT?! No Facebook? No texting? No BLOGGING?! EVER?! FOR A YEAR AND A HALF?! Well, I don't know if I'll fit in the category of those suffering from face-to-face/real communication, but just in case I am, I'm going to start weening myself from Facebook. SO I just got a great idea!! Every time I want to update my status, I'll write it in my journal instead! Isn't that cute?! I bet that's just what they did in the old days. They wrote down (in 140 characters or less, of course) what kind of mood they were in, or whatever they were feeling, and then passed it around the campfire for everyone to read. It took a lot longer, naturally, and some probably developed extreme double personalities, but at least it gave everyone a chance to vent, right?

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Do you think everybody had their charcoal pencils (or whatever it was they used) ready to comment on the journal "status update"?