Let's get one thing straight right. now. I am NOT a morning person. Yes, it's true - I did spend 12 years of my life getting up early enough to shove some breakfast down my throat, brush my teeth in time to be to school at 8am, and somehow managed to be dressed and looking somewhat decent (this is probably where my "showering" habits came from). I even spent four of those years getting up extra early for 6am seminary! - a Sunday school type of class held every school day for high school age members of the church.
But what can I say? The least I can say is, it didn't stick. Not even a little bit. I now have difficulty being up in time to be dressed and ready to go for a 9am class. And this is without showering. (So I'm greasy. Get over it.) Anyway, you get the point. My love for mornings that I once had as a child, that love that motivated me to get up at the crack of dawn to get my chores done (which sometimes involved vacuuming the living room. Sorry siblings /: ) so I could have the maximum amount of time to play with friends, has flown. Long ago, I'm sorry to say.
Alright, so, why am I telling you this? The point is I've recently decided (willingly) to give up my sleeping habits once again. Don't worry, it's all for a worthy cause. I think. Just kidding. ...but really. I've decided to serve a mission for my church, which, among many, many other things, means rise-and-shine at 6:30 am EVERY morning. Seriously, every morning. Starting November 10th. This year. No more Saturday morning snuggle time (with my pillow) for me! AND, (get this) bed time at 10pm e'ery day. Another hard pill for me to swallow, considering I follow right in my mom's footsteps in her late-night love affairs with homework, craft projects, etc. Of course my late nights usually consist of Facebook and Pinterest. BUT, I digress...
The point is - WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! I know this will be good for me! I know I can do it. I know I can! (right?) I even decided to try to soften the blow by starting to live this schedule before I take off for a year and a half. That way, fingers crossed, when I wake up on November 10th I'll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day, instead of feeling like a zombie Dorothy, groggily clicking my heels together and trying to get home, hoping it's all just a bad dream.
What was I thinking?
Let's just say that Frankenstein probably makes a better first impression in the morning than me. Picture this: last night I went to bed at the healthy hour of 9:30 and woke up this morning at 6:45 with every intention of eating breakfast, and then going on a little jog, like a good missionary should. Well, my early morning jog was great! Destination: down the hallway to my room/bed (I slept in the guest room last night. Sometimes, my bed is covered with boxes from storage). Completion time: approximately 30 sec. & breakfast? non-existent.
Sigh...I'm hopeless.
However, in my defense this is my first attempt at this new schedule. Every habit takes time to form, right? I will, as the old adage says, try, try again, because we all know I wasn't even close to succeeding. Tomorrow I'll try to get up 15 minutes earlier. Monday I'll try the whole 30 minutes of exercise thing again. (You guys, tomorrow is the Sabbath! I can't work out then. Sillies.) Maybe one of these days I'll even make it to the breakfast table before I plop down and start whining about it all on blogger! Until that day, you can find me in my bed, with my incredible bed-head (seriously, though, short hair makes the BEST bed-head), repeatedly pressing the snooze button and wondering what the heck I signed up for.
Your most dedicated sister missionary
I'm proud of you for starting this habit early. It sounds daunting to me and I don't even have to do it. Oh wait, yes I do. My kids have no idea what weekends are. They are up between 6:30 and 7:00 every.single.day. You can do it! Go Sara!
This was an entertaining post to read, as I know exactly how you feel Sara. I hate mornings with a passion, the fact that I have to get up early every morning to get to work which is about a 35 to 40 km drive in traffic, is a nightmare. Breakfast at that time is a no go and looking presentable so early is a hell of mission. I do hope you can get into a routine so that it become easier for you. Good luck and congrats on your drive to start. :)
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