Monday, February 21, 2011

Dear Facebook...

It's interesting to think about where we would be without the book of face. s.

I mean... let's sit down and take a closer look for just a moment.

I think we would all be less creepy.
Getting over your ex would be a whole HECK of a lot easier (not that I would know...).
We might actually voice our feelings to real live people, instead of to a lifeless computer screen with pictures of people we may or may not know
We might have real friends.
Relationships would still be validated even if they weren't posted in big black letters with a whimsical heart next to them.
"Happy Birthday" would mean a little more, and would come from those who actually remembered your birthday.
Your reputation would rely more on your personality and less on the creativity of the pictures you post...or the number of "friends" you have.
We would actually have to explain ourselves after we randomly say "life sucks"...or maybe not...maybe next time I'm in a group of people I'll spontaneously throw that one out there and let the other members of the party toss it around for a little bit - leave it up for interpretation.

That being said...I still totally love Facebook. Maybe someday I will get rid of it. But probably not soon.

That is all.

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