Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sometimes I feel like a baby...

Of course, I'm not really a baby. I mean...physically. But in this vast space of time we call "eternity", I really am just a child! & let me tell you something - I definitely have been feeling that!

Do you ever wish you were someone else? Had someone's way with words, someone's sense of humor, someone else's ability to go for hours on end with seemingly no effort at all... this is me too much of the time. We all want to be better than we are. It's a natural part of life. If you're not noticing weaknesses, you're probably just being. Which is fine. For a while. Then it gets stagnant and all your friends move on and you're stuck in high school. Which is also fine. I guess. Some people learn a lot in high school. Especially over the course of seven and a half years.

Anyway, enough on that...

Wishing to be someone you're not is so...how do I put this eloquently...STUPID! You'll never ever, no matter how hard you try, be anyone but you. Sounds simple, right? Of course! But how many times do we compare ourselves to those around us and think,"Man...if only..."

Sometimes my dad likes to tell me things about myself that I'm pretty sure he makes up. They sound really good though, so I'll pretend they're true because they help fulfill the purpose of this blog. My dad says that I'm the kind of person who admires qualities about people, but doesn't spend time envying or coveting those qualities. (Silly dad.) This is the kind of person I want to be someday.

That being said, here's my new goal: don't wish; admire and become.

& THAT being said - while I was writing this my ear started (and still hasn't stopped) ringing, so I stuck a Q-tip in it, and it reminded me of the scene in Better Off Dead when Lane sticks Q-tips up his nose, and ears, and in his mouth, and then his dad walks in...

I would put up a clip but, well, it doesn't exist.

Until next time.


Becca said...

"Over the course of seven and a half years." Hahahaha! You're sense of humor and way with words will more than suffice. This quip alone can defend you in every part of this self-basing post. It's smart, funny and witty.

Oh, and I agree with your dad. And I've told you this before, that you are a good admire-er. I don't know if that's a word, but it's a skill that you have, and believe me, some people are completely VOID of this skill. For that, and other reasons....thank goodness you are you and not somebody else.

Rachel said...

Funny you should say that. I often find myself admiring you and your ability to get along with people, and be comfortable being yourself no matter what. I also admire how fun you are, and your butt....weird I know, but as the only Pulsipher girl with one...its something to be admired.

Da Burrs said...

This is the only John Cusack clip I could find. Sorry for the weirdo to the left imitating him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2p_ECLFQjQ

Sara Pulsipher = beautiful person inside and out

Fantabulous Lil P said...

Whoa! I had no idea that so many people read this little ol' blogger of mine! Thanks, guys! I love you all.