Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Ah, the joys...

Sometimes being at Bethany's makes me excited/just the teeniest bit nervous for parenthood. This scene graced me literally seconds ago -

Both kids were asked to go wash their hands by Bethany after eating a hearty breakfast of french toast and bananas. Shortly after they entered the bathroom Marie started crying...and then screaming. LOUDLY.

Bethany: Marie, you are not dying. 
Marie (through tears): But mommy I am done!
Bethany: You're not dying. So stop screaming like you're dying!
William (running up the stairs & also, at this point, crying) tells Marie desperately: Marie! Stop crying!

I have no idea what happened. But it was very dramatic. Obviously, they are both happy as clams now. *sigh* Such is life.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Thanks Sarah -- this made me laugh. I miss those kids and their drama.