Sunday, March 27, 2011

You're Never Alone

This semester I have been taking a New Testament class, and I am oh so grateful that I decided to take it. It has been my source of strength on many a rough day. As part of our final project we were asked to pick a topic and spend time researching it and reading the scriptures about it, etc. At the end of all this research, we are to write a talk on it. I chose prayer as my topic. I have been trying to earnestly say my morning and evening prayers...something I have, sadly, really struggled with for quite some time.

Anyway, as I was doing my research today, I came across this video on Mormon Messages. I don't think it's any secret that this semester has been tough. It's definitely kicked my butt on more than one occasion. However, throughout all the beatings and the constant feeling of defeat, there have been moments that have strengthened me and pulled me off the ground and back onto my feet. It's a little daunting to know that I will have so many more trials in my life that will make this one seem like a walk in the park, but if I have learned anything, it's this - we are never alone. With God, nothing is impossible. We can do it!

So to those of you struggling, emotionally, physically, mentally, whatever it is, I say this: You are never alone. Remember - you were sent here by a loving Heavenly Father, and you failing is not a part of His plan. Don't let it be a part of yours.

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